Home >Ophthalmologic Treatments > Ophthalmology For Children
Why talking about eye care treatments for children?
The visual system is not mature at birth, and is not fully developed until the age of 10. Any disturbance in development may result in weaker vision in one or both eyes.
- 20% of children under 6 have a visual defect.
- Most of these anomalies are curable with treatment in the first few years.
- In 75% of cases, the child does not complain.
- Only an ophthalmologist can make the diagnosis.

What are the signs?
- A child who squints the eyes or acts as if there is a vision problem.
- A white reflection of the pupil.
- Abnormal head gestures or movements.
- Difficulty reading or writing.
- Blinking and wrinkling the eyelids.
- Persistent headaches.

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